Wim turned fifty last April, but this past Sunday we celebrated. He threw a very nice party in the “Huis met de Hoofden” (the house with the heads) here in Amsterdam. Some of Nick’s collegues came over especially, as did a few American guests. We (i.e. Jan) organised a chorus for Wim, and we sang four songs to celebrate Wim’s many qualities. I guess you had to be there.
But it was a very successful party, and I (like to) think that Wim had a good time. So now it’s on to the next 50th birthday. I think it’s Kees’ turn…
Any good photos? Did you guys do the “I will follow Wim”?
The party was very succesful; I didn`t take any pictures, as we didn`t have time, due to the fact we were singing 🙂
Song selections included: ” `t Was een mooie Pinksterdag (maar toen kwam het koor)”,”was je maar in Kazachstan gebleven” and the traditional pay-off: “ik heb eerbied voor jouw grijze haren”
(roughly translated: ” `t was a lovely holiday (but then the choir showed up)”, “if only you had stayed in Kazachstan”, “I respect your grey hairs” respectively.)
All very much in jest, and – think – much appreciated.