New toy

I just got my new toy: an iPad 2. So this post is really to see if I can use this new toy for the blog. Hopefully I can find a little more time to keep this blog up to date.

More later.

Oh, and I’ve changed the theme as well.

This a picture taken with the iPad camera.


Still here…

So I was rummaging through my stuff, like you do, and I realised this corner of my web has grown cobwebs.

I (we) are still here, although in another location. The boats are sold, and we’ve settled in quite nicely, thank you.

They are just now taking down the scaffolding which has been outside for the last six weeks, while the exterior of the house was painted. It’s looks real pretty now. Now all that’s left to do, is finish the (2nd) bathroom. We’ve been postponing that, but maybe it’s time to get started.

current state of the bathroom

needs some work

we have moved…

…but the DSL-connection hasn’t yet. Due to an error of the provider, we’re without internet access for the moment. Fortunately, there are other places to get online. And queen Beatrix, in her Christmas message, has condemned the online society, calling it shallow. “all this twittering stands in the way of real, meaningful contact between neighbours”, or words to that effect. So maybe it’s a blessing in disguise?

Busy busy busy

I’ve not had time to post any updates on the reconstruction and remodeling and redecorating work on the new address. Work is moving apace, we’re now in the reconstruction phase (after the demolition phase: we took away about 2000 kilo’s of surplus plasterboard, glass bricks, flooring…) and we’re starting on painting now. More later (hopefully).

Empty room

This morning, the moving people came and took away most of our things. It’ll be put in storage for the next 6 weeks, and then delivered at the new address.
But for now we have an empty houseboat. Monday we have to be out of here – we’re moving to the Friendship for the duration. We also get the keys to the new place Monday, so we can start rebuilding and remodeling, painting etc.

Then, just before Christmas we should be ready to move in. Hopefully we’ll have a kitchen by then as well, so we can have our traditional Christmas dinner. There’ll certainly be enough room…

One week to go…

We’ve signed the contracts, for the new apartment as well as selling the houseboats. Next week we’ll move to my houseboat. We’re getting the keys for the new place at the same time, so we can start remodeling and redecorating the new place. It’s going to be a busy time the coming weeks. All being well, we should be in the new place before Christmas. We’ll see…

On the move

We’re going to move house(boat). The houseboats are for sale (see here, and here). Although we have really enjoyed living on the Amstel, we feel it’s time for a change of scenery. We’re looking at a property (in the center of Amsterdam – we’re not ready for the country life yet) but nothing’s finalised so far.

And yes, the Ayor is for sale too. Exciting times…

Jonathan for sale

Jonathan for sale

Greetings from the cesspool

Most people know that the Fox channel isn’t the most objective news source on American TV. But in a recent broadcast they portrayed Amsterdam so falsely as a city of crime, drugs and anarchy, that YouTube user roberwter (a native Amsterdammer) had to show the facts:

Visit Amsterdam someday, and find out for yourself

Celebrating another Liberation Day

May 5th is Liberation day here in the Netherlands. Traditionally, there’s a concert on the Amstel, outside our window. Previous years, the TV did their live coverage from our living room, this year they opted for an outside broadcast. Not a good choice, considering the weather: wet and windy.

The stage

The stage

More pictures after the jump!
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It’s queensday again!


But it may the last Queensday in the old tradtion of Beatrix going on walkabouts, and having uncomplicated fun. After the horrifying events in Apeldoorn, the whole concept will be thoroughly reviewed.